- When I go throw Cheat Menu, wiiflow said that it cannot find any codes, so I click on download and NOTHING append (no error, no change on screen). If I try do download some covers, everything goes fine; If after that I return to Cheat Menu and click on download something append but it said me that it cannot download codes (but I have an url.
- WiiFlow will create the necessary folders and config files and then display your Wii backup games. If you don't have any games in your 'wbfs' folder or there is no folder then WiiFlow will display the following message - 'Welcome to WiiFlow. I have not found any games.
I have installed WiiFlow a few times already but it does not fix the problem I tried with v9 of d2x cios but still get the same problem. I can run games from the SD card but not from my external hdd anymore. The following is my sysCheck results: sysCheck v2.1.0b19 by DoubleA and R2-D2199, Nano.runs on IOS58 (rev 6176).
You can use this Hex to ASCII converter to see what the magic number really is. Set delimit to nothing.46 = f, 43 = c, 45 = e, 55=u (46434555 = fceu)
arguments={device}:/{path}|{name}|{loader} //This is the arguments sent to the plugin app itself. For more than one argument a '|' is used to separate them and when words are in between { and } wiiflow knows to get that info and put it in place of that word. So {device} would be SD or USB for example.
coverColor=ff0000//This is the cover spine color in hexadecimal of the games that use this plugin. So you can tell the difference between SNES games and SEGA games for example. There are only six choices - ff0000 red, 000000 black, ffffff white, fcff00 yellow, 01a300 green, and 00E360 green 2.
coverFolder=fceugx//This is the folder where your covers will be kept. This folder should be in root:/wiiflow/boxcovers/ or root:/wiiflow/covers/. So in this example your NES full covers will go in root:/wiiflow/boxcovers/fceugx/ and flat covers in root:/wiiflow/covers/fceugx/. Boxcovers is for your full covers (back,spine,front) and covers is for 2d flat covers (just the front no spine). If you edit your wiiflow.ini file and change dir_box_covers and/or dir_flat_covers be sure to use those paths instead.
fileTypes=.nes|.fds|.nsf|.unf|.nez|.unif|.zip|.7z//This is a list of file extensions associated with this plugin dol. You can add or delete extensions if you want. Seperate multiple extensions with a |.
romDir=fceugx/roms //This is the folder where your roms or movies will be kept. In this example NES roms should be in root:/fceugx/roms/. If you have it in a different partition or device (SD, USB) than WiiFlow you will have to go to emu mode>config and change the partition. Note - this will affect all plugins.
Wiiflow Gamecube
dolFile=fceugx-mod9.dol //This is the name of the dol app associated with this plugin.
Wiiflow Cheat File For Game Not Found Guilty
bannerSound=nes.ogg//This is the sound played whenever you select a game associated with this plugin.
displayname=FCEUltraGX//This is name that WiiFlow will display on screen when using the plugin select menu.
consoleCoverID=nintendo //That's for cover downloading, currently it is not used, it was meant to be used for gametdb, but for some reason this never got implemented.