Moshi Monsters Cupcake Game Cheats Dj Quack

Moshi Monsters
  1. Moshi Cupcakes Cheats! Moshi Cupcakes Cheats! Heyloz x, Readers! Today I will tell you the cheats of the game ' Moshi Cupcakes! DJ Quack:-Cake: Orange.
  2. Moshi Monsters: How to Get Moshi Monsters Moshling Codes - How to get DJ QUACK Moshling Moshling - The full Video walkthrough cheats for Moshi Monsters Moshling Codes.

1st: open your baking life 2nd: open cheat engine (5.6.1) or (any type of cheat engine ) 3rd: click process on cheat engine and click the browser you are using in baking life 4th: and then put 500000 on the value 5th: click first scan 6th: addresse's will apear on right side. Then select all address 7th: change the value of address into 1 8th: back to your baking life and click floor decor. Put a cherry at the very top of the cupcake and put 6 marshmellows on., after that, press done. You have cooked a cupcake for General Fuzuki! Add all the stuff on the right and add on the left with it cocoa. Then start mixing, put your mixture in the cupcake holders and then wait for it to cook. When you hear a DING its ready. Moshi Cupcakes is a game triggered when clicking the Candy Cavern within the Candy Cane Caves in Moshi Monsters.The aim is to attract all fifteen Moshlings on film by making cupcakes to their liking which attracts them. It is very similar to The Cupcake Hut in the Food Factory, featuring Hansel as your instructor and having the same game aspects of frosting's form and colour choice.


DJQUACK2- GB Eye Moshi Monsters Poster 12. VOLCANO- Dr Strangeglove Poster 13. HAMMY- I'm not sure what this gets you. MTVTJHBEWH24- Balloon Launcher 15.revivalcuppa934- Emergentea that gives you 500 health. I'd save this for when you haven't been on Moshi Monsters for ages and your monster is on the brink of death! The Moshi Monsters cheats provided are just codes to boost your game so that you will be motivated in playing because you are leveling up and progressing. However, it is still up to you how much time you spend in the game that can make you successful in Moshi Monster.

Secret Codes

13ROSEVET - 100 Rox
1PISABACON - 100 Rox+
50MILLION - 100 Rox
ASLOPOT - 100 Rox
WINCEPIE - 100 Rox

150 Rox


Secret Codes

BRAINY101 - 200 Rox
GULFROX - 200 Rox
Moshi Monsters Cupcake Game Cheats Dj Quack
PIRATEROX8 - 200 Rox
RADISH - 200 Rox

Secret Codes

CUTEY765 - 250 Rox
FLUTERRY44 - 250 Rox
GROUCH45 - 250 Rox

30 Rox
Moshi Monsters Cupcake Game Cheats Dj Quack

300 Rox
BCDA - 300 Rox
MMMYSTERY212 - 300 Rox
PANDA - 300 Rox

Secret Codes
50 Rox
FIFIROX - 30 Rox
OCTO39 - 50 Rox

500 Rox
ROXSTOMP - 500 Rox

70 Rox 75

Moshi Monsters Games


Create Code:

Moshi Cupcakes

Down in the Candy Cane Caves you’ll find Cupcake Cavern by scrolling to the very right hand side. Click on Cupcake Cavern to play Moshi Cupcakes.
By baking different cupcakes, with difference flavours and toppings you can attract different Moshlings. These moshlings show up on the title screen. There are 15 different Moshlings to try and get.
These are: Chop-Chop, Squidge, Ecto, Dipsy, Jeepers, McNulty, Sooki-Yaki, Tiki, General Fuzuki, Shelby, DJ Quack, IGGY, Liberty, Mr Snoodles and White Fang.
The different recipies you’ll need are listed below.

There are two shelves of ingredients. On the left hand side are the items you must have in your mixture:

Moshi Monster Games Online

2 - Sugar
One the right hand side are some addition (optional) ingredients you can add. These are:
2 - Cocoa
Click on the ingredient you want and then drag it into the bowl.
Once you’ve got all the required ingredients in the bowl a spoon will appear. You can continue to add the additional flavourings if you wish. Or you can start mixing your mixture.

There might be lots of Moshling Rescue! secrets, hidden cheats, useful tricks, and Moshling Rescue! cheat codes embedded by the game developers. You might not have discovered any working Moshling Rescue! cheat or trick by yourself, but you can always check out the Moshling Rescue! cheat videos on YouTube or you're welcomed to find, discuss, and share any interesting Moshling Rescue! cheats and amazing discoveries on Moshling Rescue! Forum.
Note: Kindly share only the legal in-game Moshling Rescue! trick, cheat, and codes. Your Games Dreams account will be SUSPENDED if any illegal Moshling Rescue! cheat engine, codes, glitch, hacks, or Moshling Rescue! cheat tool download survey site are posted!! Only legal Moshling Rescue! cheats no download or without download are allowed to be shared.

Al jammers created your hack and please a oter jammers use this hack. And all vídeos a
posted ' Moshi Monsters 12 Month Membership ', hack or generator, is a terrible and

Secret Code Gift

Moshling Garden

Moshi Monsters Cupcakes Game

Rox flowers are made when the seeds are 'faulty'. They grow instead of the plant you want to grow. So to save alot of time and energy, once you have planted your seeds, go home. Straight after that, go back to your Moshling Garden, and hover over the seeds. A pop up will appear either saying: 'dig up this .............. ' or: 'dig up this rox flower.' If it says dig up this rox flower, click on the seed, and then buy/plant a new one!

My Moshi Monster Game

Play puzzles in the 'Hall of Puzzles' before you go onto your daily challenge. Not only will it earn you more experience, but it is a great warmup!

Moshi Monster Games For Kids

Moshi Monsters Cupcake Game Cheats Dj Quacker

Did you know?

You can only have 2 moshlings at any time! When you plant you 3rd successful combination of flowers, and you've attracted a cute little pet, you can either keep the moshling or set it free. If you decide to keep it, you will be asked to select which of your other 2 moshlings you would like to swap for it.